I Voted... Did You? Hope so. I voted by mail and sent it about two weeks ago so it's among those that will be counted today. Those who send for their ballots by mail and then don't fill them in have to take them to their polling place and they won't be tallied until mid week. It might count in the final numbers but by then, the decision will already have been made. At least, we hope it's over by then! Shades of long ago with the hanging chads, etc.
Hope you all have selected the project you will be working on tonight during the returns. I can't bear to watch TV without something in my hands. And... I'm ready for tonight. On our cruise through the Mediterranean, we learned a technique called "boutis". It's very much like trapunto by hand but different. Doesn't that make sense? Ha! Two pieces using this technique won awards in Houston. Beautiful...
And, speaking of awards... if you haven't already checked out the winners, you really must. Here is the web page where they are all shown.
http://www.quilts.com/fqf08/enVivo/ Click on Quilts: A World of Beauty.
The big winner...
Sharon Schamber! Yep... our Sharon! This is the quilt that she first showed at Quilting in the Desert 2008. She then entered it in the AQS show in Paducah where it took the top machine quilting award and then in Houston where it's the Best of Show! And... you better believe it deserves that award. That piece if fabulous! The photo is amazing but until you see it up close... you can't imagine how incredible the quilting is. If you haven't already signed up for one of her machine classes, you will be sorry because they aren't far from being filled. The stippling classes are already closed. So... don't procrastinate! Do it now!
Happy day.